The Greeks named Aljaraque Kalatathousa. Later, the word would have its etymology in the Arabic term Al Xarat, which means hill. As time passed, the toponym changed to Aljafar in the 13th century, until it had its current name of Aljaraque.
Located seven kilometres from the capital of Huelva, in the surroundings of the Marismas del Odiel Natural Area in the so-called Tierra Llana bordering the municipalities of Huelva, Gibraleón, Cartaya and Punta Umbría.
In recent years, construction on its land has increased considerably, in a new area called Nuevo Corrales, and some buildings emulate the English colonial style.
Aljaraque has experienced great development, favoured by its strategic location and its spectacular natural environment, which has led a considerable number of people to choose it as a place to establish their residence, attracted by the quality of life offered by its municipal area.
You can visit monuments such as: the Parish of Our Lady of Los Remedios, the Hermitage of Our Lady of Los Remedios, the Parish of Our Lady Queen of the World (Corrales).
Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.