
Collection of 1.6 tons of waste

The Gañafote Cup has shown its most supportive and committed face with the environment, in an action called 'Plogging', a sustainable initiative that combines sports with the care of the planet; promoting the care of the environment.

Recogida de 1,6 toneladas de residuos 1 - Gañafote Cup

In this case, a group of 90 volunteers have carried out the collection of 1.6 tons of waste on the beach recently named by the City of Huelva as Playa Paraje Natural Marismas del Odiel, known as the Espigón.

Recogida de 1,6 toneladas de residuos 2 - Gañafote Cup

In the action collaborates with Gañafote, the City of Huelva and the Andalusian Institute of Youth of the Andalusian Government, with the presence of the provincial director, Angela Ramos. Huelva Azul and GrowersGo are also collaborating in the action.

Recogida de 1,6 toneladas de residuos 3 - Gañafote Cup

Among the 90 volunteer collaborators, those who have been able to collect from the natural environment and classify the 1569 kilos; representatives of associations such as Huelva Azul, Cuidemos Isla Cristina, Ok Planet Huelva, Asociación Guías de Doñana, Ernesto Algarra 21 horas or Club Huelva Aventura 4×4.

Recogida de 1,6 toneladas de residuos 4 - Gañafote Cup

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